Sunday, 21 September 2014


Gratitude is expressing the thankfulness for what we have or what we are. Life is composed of good and bad, positive and negative, day and night, happiness and sadness and so on. Identifying the good out of bad & positive out of  negative and appreciating them not only makes us feel good but also brings  peace of mind.
Feeling grateful is the stellar stress buster and it heals many psychological problems besides making a person optimistic in nature.
Optimism is looking at the bright side of life and Gratitude is appreciating the bright side of life.

We are so much fortunate than many others who live on this earth.

Have we ever recognized that we are luckier than many?
No, because we love complaining and blaming.Complaining is nothing but finding the bad out of good or negative out of positive whereas Blaming is shifting the responsibility on to the others rather than self.

The Optimists always look for positive(the beauty of a Rose) where as the pessimists look out for negative(the danger of thorns on the same rose).

Just lie down, close your eyes and relax your body.
now focus only on what you have and express thanks for that.
Thank God, I am alive.
Thank God, I am breathing.
Thank God, I am Physically fit and mentally sound
Thank God I have food, clothing and shelter.
Thank God, I have a very good family.
Thank God, I have many good friends.
Thank God, I have watch ,cellphone and internet access.
Thank God for my past experiences, present actions and future goals. etcetra

Don't just utter the words in your mind. visualize them, feel happy and good for them. 
Practicing the Gratitude makes us focus on what we have and in turn it brings us more and more.