Sunday, 16 November 2014

Error Location Test-1

 Synonyms of  "Walk"

1. Each of(a)these books(b)are useful to(c)the college students.(d)No Error(e)

2. Although it(a)was hot but(b)Mohan was wearing(c)a woolen Jacket.(d)No Error(e)

3. She is(a)the strongest(b)and(c)beautiful girl.(d)No Error(e)

4. If he(a)will apologize,(b)he will(c)be excused(d)No Error(e)

5. I respect him(a)therefore(b)he is(c)my father’s friend.(d)No Error(e)

6. India and Pakistan have always been(a)at logger heads(b)with one another(c)on Kashmir issue.(d)No Error(e)

7. Kanchenjungha is one of the(a)beautiful peaks(b)of the(c)Himalayan range.(d)No Error(e)

8.I said(a)that a interesting(b)face could(c)also be pretty.(d)No Error(e)

9. The team leaders(a)encourages the participants(b)who lack(c)motivation and direction.(d)No Error(e)

10.Milking used(a)to be a task(b)or a duty cost(c)on him.(d)NoError(e)

11. Poor people(a)has no money(b)therefore they cannot afford(c)proper medical facilities.(d)No Error(e)

12.A disabled child(a)has defined as(b)the one who is unable(c)to ensure necessities by himself.(d)No Error(e)

13. The culprit was(a)not only involved(b)in her abduction(c)but also in her murder.(d)No Error(e)

14.The institute(a)imparts training(b)in(c)the French.(d)No Error(e)

15. As soon as(a)I will reach Delhi(b)I will send you(c)the parcel of books.(d)No Error(e)

16. Hardly did(a)he stepped out(b)when it(c)started raining heavily.(d)No Error(e)

17. He is one of(a)the most intelligent(b)student I have(c)ever taught.(d)No Error(e)

18. In spite of(a)so many hardships(b)Amar has managed(c)to success.(d)No Error(e)

19. Man(a)proposes(b)but God(c)dispose(d)No Error(e)

20. The manager(a)as well as they(b)were here(c)for their dinner.(d)No Error(e)

21. The patient passed(a)away(b)before the(c)doctor arrived.(d)No Error(e)

22. People find it(a)difficult to understand(b)him as he(c)don’t speak clearly.(d)No Error(e)

23. Kalidasa is greater(a)than any(b)dramatist(c)of the world.(d)No Error(e)

24.He was taking exercises(a)for three hours(b)before he(c)was called by his father.(d)No Error(e)

25. Bhima was(a)the man(b)who all(c)the Indians loved.(d)No Error(e)

26. His(a)son met(b)him on(c)the door.(d)No Error(e)

27. Neither he nor I(a)was able to(b)finish the task within(c)the time limit.(d)No Error(e)

28. He gets(a)up(b)early at(c)the morning.(d)No Error(e)

29.Myself and Ramu(a)will take care of(b)the function(c)on Saturday.(d)No Error(e)

30. The house(a)is built(b)in an(c)attractive manner.(d)No Error(e

31. He is(a)a mason(b)who built(c)my house.(d)No Error(e)

32. The girl said(a)that she preferred(b)the blue gown(c)than the black one.(d)No Error(e)

33. If you will(a)insist on(b)challenging me,(c)I will fight  it out alone.(d)No Error(e)

34. John, who has been(a)driving all day(b)was extremely tired(c)and wanted to stop.(d)No Error(e)

35.I could not(a)cut the cloth because(b)the scissors(c)was blunt.(d)No Error(e)

36. Krishna is(a)the taller(b)boy(c)in the class.(d)No Error(e)

37. I can(a)neither read(b)or(c)speak hindi.(d)No Error(e)

38. I have been(a)suffering from(b)fever since(c)three days.(d)No Error(e)

39. If I was(a)his brother,(b)I would(c)help him.(d)No Error(e)

40. One of the basics of writing(a)is to have a(b)clear understanding of the target audience(c)and its requirement.(d)No Error(e)

41. None(a)of the(b)students(c)have qualification.(d)No Error(e)

42. India is in no way(a)inferior than the USA(b)in the fertility of soil(c)and richness of resources.(d)No Error(e)

43. The criteria(a)to judge(b)a person is(c)to observe and check his attitude.(d)No Error(e)

44. Everyone knows(a)that the Cheetah(b)is faster(c)of all animals.(d)No Error(e)

45. I remember my childhood days(a)when I was used to go(b)to  the farm with my father(c)and help him.(d)No Error(e)

46. If you would have(a)taken the medicine,(b)you could have(c)gone to school.(d)No Error(e)

47. He loves(a)his children(b)and his children also(c)loves him.(d)No Error(e)

48.One of the most(a)widely spread(b)bad habit is(c)the use of tobacco.(d)No Error(e)

49. The Law and(a)order have(b)to be maintained(c)properly and strictly.(d)No Error(e)

50. No sooner did(a)she saw me(b)than she came up(c)and spoke to me.(d)No Error(e)

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