Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Passage-1 Key


Passage-1 Key

1. Ans.(b) Sol. It is mentioned in the passage that Cyber Security means protecting data, networks, programs and other information from unauthorized or unintended access, destruction or change.
 2. Ans.(c) Sol. The reason mentioned in the paragraph for cyber threats is “due to negligence and vulnerabilities, or unintentional accidents.”
  3. Ans.(c) Sol. information shared by an individual for socializing purposes can be distorted and can be used for malignant purpose
 4. Ans.(d) Sol. Opening email attachments that carry the virus, clicking malicious links or websites or unintentionally downloading a dangerous program
 5. Ans.(b) Sol. The appropriate title for the given passage would be ‘Cybercrime and hacking’.
 6. Ans.(d) Sol. malicious- characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm. vitriolic-filled with bitter criticism or malice. hence, these two words are synonyms to each other.
 7. Ans.(d) Sol. Felonious-relating to or involved in crime. hence illegal and Felonious are synonyms to each other.
 8. Ans.(a) Sol. accredit-(of an official body) give authority or sanction to (someone or something) when recognized standards have been met. hence, accredit and unauthorized are antonyms to each other.
 9. Ans.(a) Sol. malapropos-in an inopportune or inappropriate way. hence, malapropos and appropriate are antonyms.
 10. Ans.(c) Sol. fortuitously- Happening by accident or chance. Hence, fortuitously and unintentional are synonyms to each other.

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